JUNE 14, 2020

Starting a Magazine – not easy

Originally posted on Facebook

When VA WOMAN Magazine debuted in Loudoun County (2011), it was hard. Starting a magazine-not easy.

A woman of color in a predominately white community, life and building a business was tough. Let’s face it, Virginia is STILL the south.

I persisted, had goals, showed off those RED shoes, clicked like Dorothy and found home. Together, with a team we were THAT WOMAN – Thank YOU!

Sharing truth with the intent to inspire others from a lens unseen, VA WOMAN – the magazine (retired, 2019) was about story.

Women owned business stories and those hard to read stories of injustice, race and the pangs of being black in a white world were also included.

As things have quickly changed, I am inviting YOU to pick up where we left off- tell stories, talk race, listen first, read and learn.

Tell YOUR Story!

The pandemic and COVID, deathly.

White privilege is real.

Black Life Matters, real too.

Together we can build if we start with truth, a desire to grow for the greater good – an inclusive community with respect for all.

Commit to doing the right thing, get comfortable with the uncomfortable and see where it takes us.

In this together, let’s build. NOW! What will you do today to help build and heal? Do share.