JULY 18, 2020

Stand Up, Speak Up, Speak Out

Like many, I woke up to sad news this morning.

Congressman John Robert Lewis from Georgia quietly passed away at his home having suffered from stage IV pancreatic cancer. Iconic, the heroic civil rights leader was a man of faith who lived his mission and fought for justice until his death. He was 80 years old.

Representative Lewis relevant on the front lines remained committed throughout his lifetime to overcoming the stubborn legacy of racism and injustice in America.

Until his death, he fought for the ideals of a better America. He believed in the greatness of our country, saw possibilities, and marched with giants including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Rev. CT Vivian, Ambassador Andrew Young and countless others side by side.

Known as the “Conscious of the US Congress,” he told us to “Stand Up, Speak up and Speak out.” Too he gave us permission to “Get in good trouble.”

Now more than ever, his words must live on as the baton is passed and a new generation of marchers, demonstrators and drummers for justice, peace, anti-racism and inclusion take the helm.

In addition to his many accomplishments, Congressman Lewis will be remembered for his service, humility, humanity and sweet spirit.

May we as a nation, continue to rise to the occasion, stop the hate and never give up.

Click here to learn more about Representative John Lewis’ life and legacy.